Dr. Ankrehah Trimble Johnson
A board certified Family medicine Physician, contributing writer, highly sough after speaker, working wife and awesome mommy.
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Event Producer of Wifeology
The Working Wife Retreat is an exciting weekend of rejuvenation and fun for like-minded women, networking, and acquiring ideas to help live your best life in a no-judgment zone atmosphere.
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Wifeology 2023:
The Working Wife Retreat

Dr. Ankrehah Trimble Johnson aka "Dr Kre"


I am Dr. Ankrehah Trimble Johnson aka “Doctor Kre,” a board certified Family medicine Physician, contributing writer, highly sought after speaker, working wife and awesome mommy. I help other working wives who feel overwhelmed and under appreciated by their every day organized chaos of their work and home life. Through my books and individualized coaching programs, I help working wives discover that there is more to life than just doing the daily Mommy/ Wife to do list. By getting back to the basics you begin to rediscover that you do actually have time for yourself.


July 21- 23, 2023

The Wifeology: Working Wives Retreat is an extension of my passion. This event gives working wives in attendance a chance to rejuvenate, be inspired and leave with nuggets that will improve their daily lives.

Please consider sponsoring this retreat to help me make a difference in our community. A portion of proceeds will go to the Courtlin Arrington Scholarship Fund which I started five years ago. Tax Deductible forms provided.

This year we will be at Lanier Islands in Buford, Georgia.  Can’t wait to see you there!

Doctor creates scholarship in Huffman High School senior’s memory

Dr. Ankrehah Trimble Johnson aka "Dr Kre"
BIRMINGHAM, AL (WBRC) – A Birmingham doctor is turning tragedy into something positive for students with healthcare career goals.
Dr. Kre Johnson created a $1,000 scholarship in honor of Courtlin Arrington.
Arrington, 17, was shot at Huffman High School earlier this year and later died at the hospital. The high school senior was expected to graduate months later and study in college to become a nurse.
“There’s a shortage of women out there working in the medical field, especially as doctors,” said Dr. Johnson. “It made me really want to say, ‘We have to do something, what can we do to make this positive, how can we do a positive spin on this?’ And we said, ‘Let’s come up with a scholarship.’”
G.W. Carver High School graduate Jaylin Givens was the first to recipient. She’s at Talladega College studying to become a physical therapist.
To qualify, you must be a female student in the Birmingham City School System, have a minimum of 3.0 GPA, be interested in the medical field and write an essay about why you’ve chosen a career in medicine.

To donate, click here.


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